Background: Positional Plagiocephaly (PP), consists of a deformation of the skull at the occipital level, due to external factors acting on the child's head. It has increased in prevalence since 1992, when the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) promoted the 'Back to Sleep Campaign' to reduce cases of SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome). Today, several methods are available for treatment, but recently it has become clear that Primary Prevention is useful in reducing the risk and eventual severity of PP. During my internship experience this academic year 2021/22, I came into contact with the clinical reality of the Hospital of Schiavonia where the Physiotherapist of the Paediatrics Unit carries out a Primary Prevention intervention on the topic of PP with a Brochure created by the Gruppo di Interesse Specialistico (GIS) of Paediatric Physiotherapy of A.I.FI. (Associazione Italiana di Fisioterapia). Aim: The objective was to ascertain the response of the population to the modality chosen for this preventive act, that is the delivery and explanation of the Brochure, and also to see if the parents' awareness of the day-to-day management of their children changed. Materials and methods: Two questionnaires created with Google Forms were used to investigate the queries. The first questionnaire was administered just before the preventive act took place, while the second was sent by e-mail to the participants thirty days after the previous one had been completed. Results: The first questionnaire received 43 answers, the participants were divided as follows: 23 without previous child (MSF) and 20 with previous child (MCF). Most of them are aware of PP prevention methods, and consider it essential that the child be actively stimulated and placed in the prone position; the MCFs, report greater confidence in caring for their child, however these express greater apprehension about the shape of their child's head than the MSFs. The second questionnaire received 34 responses and therefore it was chosen to carry out an analysis only on the total sample. It emerged that the chosen method was considered suitable for the subject matter, with also an improvement in primary childcare and spatial organisation skills. Conclusion: The Primary Prevention act and method proposed were highly appreciated. The physiotherapist can play a role in informing the mother about PP, producing greater security and awareness after returning home and leading to the adoption of behaviours aimed at correct psychomotor and physical development. Further and more in-depth research is needed both to improve the Brochure and the communication mode, in order to better understand what the role of Primary Prevention may be in the resolution of Positional Plagiocephaly.
Backgruond: La Plagiocefalia Posizionale (PP), consiste in una deformazione del cranio a livello occipitale, dovuta a fattori esterni che agiscono sulla testa del bambino. Essa è aumentata in prevalenza dal 1992, quando l’American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) ha promosso la “Back to Sleep Campaign” per ridurre i casi di SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome). Ad oggi per il trattamento sono disponibili più metodiche, recentemente però si è evidenziato come la Prevenzione Primaria sia utile a ridurre il rischio e l’eventuale severità della PP. Durante la mia esperienza di tirocinio di questo anno accademico 2021/22 sono entrato in contatto con la realtà clinica dell’Ospedale di Schiavonia dove il Fisioterapista dell’Unità di Pediatria svolge un intervento di Prevenzione Primaria sulla tematica della PP con una Brochure creata dal Gruppo di Interesse Specialistico (GIS) di Fisioterapia Pediatrica di A.I.FI. ( Associazione Italiana di Fisioterapia). Obiettivo: L’obbiettivo è stato verificare la risposta della popolazione alla modalità scelta per questo atto preventivo, ovvero la consegna e la spiegazione della Brochure, vedendo anche se si è modificata la consapevolezza dei genitori nella gestione quotidiana dei loro figli. Materiali e metodi: Per investigare riguardo ai quesiti si sono utilizzati due questionari creati con Google Moduli. Il primo questionario è stato somministrato appena prima lo svolgimento dell’atto preventivo, mentre il secondo è stato inviato via mail alle partecipanti dopo trenta giorni dalla compilazione del precedente. Risultati: il primo questionario ha ricevuto 43 risposte, le partecipanti si suddividevano in: 23 senza figlio/a precedenti (MSF) e 20 con figlio precedente (MCF). La maggior parte è a conoscenza delle metodiche di prevenzione della PP, e ritiene fondamentale che il bambino sia stimolato attivamente e messo in posizione prona; le MCF, riferiscono una maggiore confidenza nel prendersi cura del loro bambino, tuttavia queste esprimono una maggiore apprensione per la forma della testa del figlio rispetto alle MSF. Il secondo questionario ha ricevuto 34 risposte e per questo si è scelto di svolgere un’ analisi solo sul campione totale. Emerge che il metodo scelto è stato ritenuto idoneo per la tematica trattata, con anche un miglioramento nelle capacità di Cura primaria del bambino e di organizzazione dello spazio. Conclusioni: L’atto di Prevenzione Primaria e la metodica proposti sono stati molto apprezzati. Il Fisioterapista può avere un ruolo nell’informare la madre sulla PP, producendo una maggiore sicurezza e consapevolezza dopo il ritorno a casa e portando all’adozione di comportamenti volti a un corretto sviluppo psicomotorio e fisico. Ulteriori e più approfondite ricerche sono necessarie sia per migliorare la Brochure e la modalità di comunicazione, al fine di comprendere meglio quale possa essere il ruolo della Prevenzione Primaria nella risoluzione della Plagiocefalia Posizionale.
La Prevenzione primaria della Plagiocefalia e del Torcicollo Posizionale nel neonato e nel lattante: uno studio qualitativo sull'esperienza di tirocinio presso l'Ospedale di Schiavonia
Background: Positional Plagiocephaly (PP), consists of a deformation of the skull at the occipital level, due to external factors acting on the child's head. It has increased in prevalence since 1992, when the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) promoted the 'Back to Sleep Campaign' to reduce cases of SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome). Today, several methods are available for treatment, but recently it has become clear that Primary Prevention is useful in reducing the risk and eventual severity of PP. During my internship experience this academic year 2021/22, I came into contact with the clinical reality of the Hospital of Schiavonia where the Physiotherapist of the Paediatrics Unit carries out a Primary Prevention intervention on the topic of PP with a Brochure created by the Gruppo di Interesse Specialistico (GIS) of Paediatric Physiotherapy of A.I.FI. (Associazione Italiana di Fisioterapia). Aim: The objective was to ascertain the response of the population to the modality chosen for this preventive act, that is the delivery and explanation of the Brochure, and also to see if the parents' awareness of the day-to-day management of their children changed. Materials and methods: Two questionnaires created with Google Forms were used to investigate the queries. The first questionnaire was administered just before the preventive act took place, while the second was sent by e-mail to the participants thirty days after the previous one had been completed. Results: The first questionnaire received 43 answers, the participants were divided as follows: 23 without previous child (MSF) and 20 with previous child (MCF). Most of them are aware of PP prevention methods, and consider it essential that the child be actively stimulated and placed in the prone position; the MCFs, report greater confidence in caring for their child, however these express greater apprehension about the shape of their child's head than the MSFs. The second questionnaire received 34 responses and therefore it was chosen to carry out an analysis only on the total sample. It emerged that the chosen method was considered suitable for the subject matter, with also an improvement in primary childcare and spatial organisation skills. Conclusion: The Primary Prevention act and method proposed were highly appreciated. The physiotherapist can play a role in informing the mother about PP, producing greater security and awareness after returning home and leading to the adoption of behaviours aimed at correct psychomotor and physical development. Further and more in-depth research is needed both to improve the Brochure and the communication mode, in order to better understand what the role of Primary Prevention may be in the resolution of Positional Plagiocephaly.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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