Introduction: Motor and sensory deficits deriving from acute neurological or neurodegenerative pathologies have an essential impact on the subject's mobility, increasing the risk of falling and decreasing his activity and participation in daily life; therefore, it is necessary to undertake a rehabilitative pathway aimed at improving one's well-being and safety in moving within the home environment and outdoors often integrating into the treatment education in the use of static or dynamic lower limb aids and orthoses. Among the devices that have recently entered the market is a dynamic hip and pelvis orthosis called ExoBand ®, has been shown to have positive effects on the mobility of the person. Due to their clinical complexity and chronic outcomes, such individuals require continuous and interdisciplinary care and treatment, resulting in an increased demand for rehabilitation health care. Telerehabilitation, is an approach that allows each person to perform at home a path of self-treatment while maintaining a more excellent continuity in the rehabilitation path, and minimising the barriers of distance, travel time and health care costs. Since ExoBand ® is a medical device that can be easily worn independently, it is believed that its use in a telerehabilitation context by autonomous individuals walking safely with or without aids would be easy and it is hypothesized that orthotics can produce improvements in motor performance of individuals with neurological disorders. Aim/Objective: he aim of this study is to verify the effectiveness of using the ExoBand ® orthosis in improving walking and balance skills in people with neurological disorders, through the proposal of a personalized rehabilitation program associated with weekly follow-ups-up by telematics, carried out over a 4-week period from the assessment of the subjects. Materials and Methods: An individualised exercise program is proposed for one month wearing Exoband.®. The self-treatment plan includes aerobic, balance and strength exercises. Three meetings are conducted during the month via video call to give instructions on the correct execution of the exercises and their possible progression. To test the effectiveness of using Exo Band ® on walking and balance, the Berg Balance Scale and 10 Metre Walk Test clinical tests and the Rivermead Mobility Index and Walking Handicap Scale questionnaires, administered before and after the self-treatment period, are used as outcome measures. Results: The three subjects completed the training with good participation and collaboration, performing all the exercises provided over the four weeks. The data collected showed improvements in the parameters of the balance of walking, functional mobility and of walking as a function of social participation. Discussion and conclusions: Following the analysis of the data, we were able to observe how a short period of self-treatment, guided by telerehabilitation monitoring, can have positive effects on the person's balance, gait, and functional mobility. Despite the small sample quantity that does not allow a statistical analysis of the data and the impossibility of a comparison with the literature, this study demonstrates that the use of ExoBand could be a useful addition to the rehabilitation process of people suffering from neurological diseases.
Introduzione: I deficit motori e sensitivi derivanti da patologie neurologiche acute o neurodegenerative hanno un importante impatto sulla mobilità del soggetto, aumentando il rischio di caduta e diminuendo la sua attività e partecipazione alla vita quotidiana; risulta pertanto necessario intraprendere un percorso riabilitativo volto a migliorare il proprio benessere e la sicurezza negli spostamenti dentro l’ambiente domestico e all’esterno spesso integrando nel trattamento l’educazione all’utilizzo di ausili e/o ortesi per gli arti inferiori statiche o dinamiche. Tra i dispositivi entrati recentemente in commercio è presente un’ortesi dinamica per anca e bacino, denominata ExoBand ®, il cui utilizzo ha dimostrato avere effetti positivi sulla mobilità della persona. Tali soggetti, per la loro complessità clinica e per gli esiti cronici, richiedono cure e trattamenti continuativi e interdisciplinari con conseguente aumento della domanda di assistenza sanitaria riabilitativa. La tele-riabilitazione è un approccio che consente ad ogni persona di eseguire presso la propria abitazione un percorso di auto trattamento mantenendo una maggior continuità nel percorso riabilitativo e riducendo al minimo le barriere di distanza, tempi di spostamento e costi sanitari. Essendo ExoBand ® un dispositivo medico facilmente indossabile in autonomia si ritiene che il suo utilizzo in contesto teleriabilitativo da parte di soggetti autonomi nella deambulazione in sicurezza con o senza ausili, risulterebbe agevole e si ipotizza che possa produrre miglioramenti della performance motoria dei soggetti affetti da patologie neurologiche. Scopo/Obiettivo: l’obiettivo di questo studio è quello di verificare l’efficacia dell’utilizzo dell’ortesi ExoBand ® nel migliorare le abilità di cammino e di equilibrio nelle persone affette da disordini neurologici, attraverso la proposta di un programma riabilitativo personalizzato associato a follows-up settimanali per via telematica, svolti nell’arco di quattro settimane dalla valutazione dei soggetti. Materiali e Metodi: Viene proposto un programma di esercizi personalizzato per la durata di 1 mese indossando Exoband ®. Il piano di auto-trattamento include esercizi aerobici, di equilibrio e di forza. Durante il mese vengono effettuati tre incontri, in videochiamata, per dare istruzioni sulla corretta esecuzione degli esercizi e sulla loro eventuale progressione. Hanno partecipato allo studio tre persone, una affetta da polineuropatia cronica infiammatoria demielinizzante e le altre due affette da sclerosi multipla primariamente progressiva. Per verificare l’efficacia dell’utilizzo di ExoBand ® sul cammino e sull’equilibrio, sono utilizzate come misure di outcome i test clinici Berg Balance Scale e 10-Metre Walk Test e i questionari Rivermead Mobility Index e Walking Handicap Scale, somministrate prima e dopo il periodo di auto trattamento. Risultati: I tre soggetti, hanno terminato il periodo di training con una buona partecipazione e collaborazione, eseguendo tutti gli esercizi previsti nell’arco delle quattro settimane. I dati raccolti hanno mostrato dei miglioramenti sui parametri dell’equilibrio del cammino, della mobilità funzionale e del cammino in funzione della partecipazione sociale. Discussione e conclusioni: In seguito all’analisi dei dati, abbiamo potuto osservare come un breve periodo di autotrattamento, guidato con monitoraggio teleriabilitativo, possa avere degli effetti positivi sull’equilibrio, sul cammino, sulla mobilità funzionale della persona. Nonostante la ridotta quantità campionaria che non permette un’analisi statistica dei dati e l’impossibilità di un confronto con la letteratura, questo studio dimostra che l’utilizzo di ExoBand potrebbe essere una valida integrazione al percorso riabilitativo di persone affette da patologie neurologiche.
“Integrazione dell’ortesi dinamica per arto inferiore ExoBand ® nel percorso di autotrattamento, guidato con monitoraggio teleriabilitativo, in soggetti affetti da patologie neurologiche acute o degenerative: studio osservazionale”.
Introduction: Motor and sensory deficits deriving from acute neurological or neurodegenerative pathologies have an essential impact on the subject's mobility, increasing the risk of falling and decreasing his activity and participation in daily life; therefore, it is necessary to undertake a rehabilitative pathway aimed at improving one's well-being and safety in moving within the home environment and outdoors often integrating into the treatment education in the use of static or dynamic lower limb aids and orthoses. Among the devices that have recently entered the market is a dynamic hip and pelvis orthosis called ExoBand ®, has been shown to have positive effects on the mobility of the person. Due to their clinical complexity and chronic outcomes, such individuals require continuous and interdisciplinary care and treatment, resulting in an increased demand for rehabilitation health care. Telerehabilitation, is an approach that allows each person to perform at home a path of self-treatment while maintaining a more excellent continuity in the rehabilitation path, and minimising the barriers of distance, travel time and health care costs. Since ExoBand ® is a medical device that can be easily worn independently, it is believed that its use in a telerehabilitation context by autonomous individuals walking safely with or without aids would be easy and it is hypothesized that orthotics can produce improvements in motor performance of individuals with neurological disorders. Aim/Objective: he aim of this study is to verify the effectiveness of using the ExoBand ® orthosis in improving walking and balance skills in people with neurological disorders, through the proposal of a personalized rehabilitation program associated with weekly follow-ups-up by telematics, carried out over a 4-week period from the assessment of the subjects. Materials and Methods: An individualised exercise program is proposed for one month wearing Exoband.®. The self-treatment plan includes aerobic, balance and strength exercises. Three meetings are conducted during the month via video call to give instructions on the correct execution of the exercises and their possible progression. To test the effectiveness of using Exo Band ® on walking and balance, the Berg Balance Scale and 10 Metre Walk Test clinical tests and the Rivermead Mobility Index and Walking Handicap Scale questionnaires, administered before and after the self-treatment period, are used as outcome measures. Results: The three subjects completed the training with good participation and collaboration, performing all the exercises provided over the four weeks. The data collected showed improvements in the parameters of the balance of walking, functional mobility and of walking as a function of social participation. Discussion and conclusions: Following the analysis of the data, we were able to observe how a short period of self-treatment, guided by telerehabilitation monitoring, can have positive effects on the person's balance, gait, and functional mobility. Despite the small sample quantity that does not allow a statistical analysis of the data and the impossibility of a comparison with the literature, this study demonstrates that the use of ExoBand could be a useful addition to the rehabilitation process of people suffering from neurological diseases.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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