The aim of this thesis is that of verifying, through a review of existing literature, if, by making use of effective non-verbal and para-verbal communication in contexts of both face-to-face and remote learning, teachers can positively impact on pupils’ learning. The reasons behind the choice of this topic derives from my previous professional background as psychomotor therapist, which taught me to recognize the importance of the body as first tool of relation and interaction. Verbal communication has always had a more dominant role in the school context with respect to the use of body language, at least up until the 60’, when, following the studies of Meharabian (1967) and Watzlawick (1967) the contemporary idea of communicative competence as an interrelation between linguistic, extra linguistic and socio-pragmatic competences, started to form. The object of study of this paper can be identified as extra-linguistic competence seen as the ensemble of non-verbal and para-verbal codes which support, modify or, at times, substitute the verbal one. The final aim of this research is that of assessing its effectiveness in improving the pupils’ learning process, together with providing insight on reasons why video research is the most suitable enquiry tool. The first chapter describes the competences that qualify the teaching profession, especially lingering on those that daily support the educational relation both in presence and online: emotional–relational competence, reflective competence, digital skills. The second chapter, instead, provides an outline of the “state of the art” of non-verbal and para-verbal communication. This chapter also analyses the systems of which it is composed (kinesic, proxemic, haptic, vestemic, chronemic and para-linguistic) and presents the major results obtained by its employ by teachers in their classroom practice. The third chapter focuses on representing variations on non-verbal and para-verbal language in teachers in virtual learning environments, especially the video-conference environment, identifying strategies that can be adopted to enhance distance learning communication effectiveness. Sources referred to in the first chapter include works from Margiotta (1999), Perrenoud (2002), Altet (2006) and the main legislation on the subject. With relation to the study of non-verbal and para-verbal communication, the main authors of reference are Watzlawick and his colleagues from the school of Palo Alto: Ekman, Friesen, Landsheere and Delchambre. The last chapter is dedicated to the study of teachers’ non-verbal and para-verbal communication through means of the practice analysis research current in which microteaching and video-research can be found. The choice of adopting video-documents as the most effective tool for the analysis of extra-linguistic competence stems from the fact that it gives back to “the researcher a solid and objective evidence on a specific experience, thus offering the chance of starting an accurate and detailed reflection on it, in order to gain better understanding and in depth knowledge” (Galliani, De Rossi, 2014). Results obtained show that non-verbal and para-verbal teacher communication have a positive impact on the students’ learning process, increasing their involvement and the quality of their performance. In addition, from the analysis of studies arises the need to provide teachers with tailor-made training courses in which teachers can practice and reflect on the employ of these communication models, thus to continually improve their competences and skills.
Il presente lavoro di tesi ha l’obiettivo di verificare, previa analisi della letteratura, se un utilizzo efficace della comunicazione non verbale e paraverbale dell’insegnante, nei contesti di apprendimento in presenza e a distanza, incida positivamente sull’apprendimento degli allievi. Le ragioni della scelta di questo argomento derivano dai miei trascorsi professionali che, in qualità di Terapista della Neuropsicomotricità, mi hanno portata a riconoscere e valorizzare il corpo quale primo strumento di relazione e interazione. In ambito scolastico la comunicazione verbale ha sempre rivestito una posizione preminente rispetto all’utilizzo del corpo, almeno fino agli ‘60, quando a seguito dei primi studi di Mehrabian (1967) e Watzlawick (1967), cominciò a delinearsi l’idea di competenza comunicativa intesa come lo è oggi, ovvero frutto dell’integrazione tra competenza linguistica, extralinguistica e socio-pragmatica. La competenza extralinguistica, ossia l’insieme dei codici non verbali e paraverbali che si accompagna a quello verbale sottolineandolo, modificandolo e, in alcuni casi, sostituendolo, rappresenta l’oggetto d’indagine di questo contributo, di cui si intende valutare l’efficacia nel miglioramento del processo di apprendimento degli allievi, esplicando inoltre i motivi per cui la video ricerca rappresenta lo strumento d’indagine più idoneo al suo studio. Il primo capitolo descrive le competenze che qualificano la professione insegnante, soffermandosi in particolare su quelle che, quotidianamente, sostengono la relazione educativa in presenza e a distanza: la competenza emotivo-relazionale, riflessiva e digitale. Nel secondo capitolo, invece, si delinea lo stato dell’arte della comunicazione non verbale e paraverbale. Vengono analizzati i sistemi di cui essa si compone (cinesico, prossemico, aptico, oggettuale-vestemico, cronemico e paralinguistico) e si espongono i risultati più importanti rispetto al suo impiego da parte dell’insegnante in classe. Il terzo capitolo ha lo scopo di rappresentare la variazione del linguaggio non verbale e paraverbale del docente negli ambienti di apprendimento virtuali, in particolare in quello della videoconferenza, indicando inoltre quali strategie sia possibile adottare per migliorare l’efficacia comunicativa a distanza. Le fonti consultate per la stesura del primo capitolo comprendono, tra gli altri, i lavori di Margiotta (1999), Perrenoud (2002), Altet (2006), oltre che la principale normativa di riferimento. Per quanto riguarda lo studio della comunicazione non verbale e paraverbale, i principali autori a cui si è fatto riferimento sono Watzlawick e i colleghi della scuola di Palo Alto, Ekman e Friesen, Landsheere e Delchambre. L’ultimo capitolo è dedicato allo studio della comunicazione non verbale e paraverbale dell’insegnante attraverso il filone di ricerca di analisi delle pratiche in cui si collocano il microteaching e la video ricerca. La scelta di adottare la video documentazione quale strumento più idoneo per l’analisi della competenza extralinguistica deriva dal fatto che essa restituisce “al ricercatore un’evidenza concreta e oggettiva su un’esperienza specifica, offrendogli la possibilità di avviare su di essa una riflessione accurata e dettagliata per meglio conoscerla, comprenderla e approfondirla” (Galliani, De Rossi, 2014). I risultati ottenuti dimostrano che la comunicazione non verbale e paraverbale dell’insegnante incide positivamente sul processo di apprendimento degli allievi, aumentandone il coinvolgimento e il rendimento scolastico. Non solo, dagli studi analizzati emerge anche la necessità di realizzare dei corsi di formazione specifici per gli insegnanti in cui essi possano esercitarsi e riflettere sull’impiego di queste modalità comunicative, in ottica di un miglioramento continuo delle loro competenze e della propria professionalità.
Il corpo dell'insegnante nella didattica in presenza e a distanza
The aim of this thesis is that of verifying, through a review of existing literature, if, by making use of effective non-verbal and para-verbal communication in contexts of both face-to-face and remote learning, teachers can positively impact on pupils’ learning. The reasons behind the choice of this topic derives from my previous professional background as psychomotor therapist, which taught me to recognize the importance of the body as first tool of relation and interaction. Verbal communication has always had a more dominant role in the school context with respect to the use of body language, at least up until the 60’, when, following the studies of Meharabian (1967) and Watzlawick (1967) the contemporary idea of communicative competence as an interrelation between linguistic, extra linguistic and socio-pragmatic competences, started to form. The object of study of this paper can be identified as extra-linguistic competence seen as the ensemble of non-verbal and para-verbal codes which support, modify or, at times, substitute the verbal one. The final aim of this research is that of assessing its effectiveness in improving the pupils’ learning process, together with providing insight on reasons why video research is the most suitable enquiry tool. The first chapter describes the competences that qualify the teaching profession, especially lingering on those that daily support the educational relation both in presence and online: emotional–relational competence, reflective competence, digital skills. The second chapter, instead, provides an outline of the “state of the art” of non-verbal and para-verbal communication. This chapter also analyses the systems of which it is composed (kinesic, proxemic, haptic, vestemic, chronemic and para-linguistic) and presents the major results obtained by its employ by teachers in their classroom practice. The third chapter focuses on representing variations on non-verbal and para-verbal language in teachers in virtual learning environments, especially the video-conference environment, identifying strategies that can be adopted to enhance distance learning communication effectiveness. Sources referred to in the first chapter include works from Margiotta (1999), Perrenoud (2002), Altet (2006) and the main legislation on the subject. With relation to the study of non-verbal and para-verbal communication, the main authors of reference are Watzlawick and his colleagues from the school of Palo Alto: Ekman, Friesen, Landsheere and Delchambre. The last chapter is dedicated to the study of teachers’ non-verbal and para-verbal communication through means of the practice analysis research current in which microteaching and video-research can be found. The choice of adopting video-documents as the most effective tool for the analysis of extra-linguistic competence stems from the fact that it gives back to “the researcher a solid and objective evidence on a specific experience, thus offering the chance of starting an accurate and detailed reflection on it, in order to gain better understanding and in depth knowledge” (Galliani, De Rossi, 2014). Results obtained show that non-verbal and para-verbal teacher communication have a positive impact on the students’ learning process, increasing their involvement and the quality of their performance. In addition, from the analysis of studies arises the need to provide teachers with tailor-made training courses in which teachers can practice and reflect on the employ of these communication models, thus to continually improve their competences and skills.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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