The labour market is becoming more and more enriched by the female workforce and, consequently, the issue of morking mothers and returning to work following maternity leave appears to be more relevant every day. During the period immediatly following pregnancy, mothers often face fatigue, concern and anxiety. For this reason, and for the fact that anxiety disorders are by far the most widespread mental pathologies, this reserach deals with analyzing nine articles that investigate the relationship between return to work after maternity leave and anxiety. Through the description and analysis of the studies, it seems that, in general, the more hours a woman spends at work once she returns, the higher her anxiety levels will be. The research conducted on returning to work is still scarce, but the nine studies considered deal more or less specifically with anxiety and mental health and thus allow to shed light on the fundamental role that the workplace plays in guaranteeing welfare to mothers and their children.
Il mondo del lavoro si sta arricchendo sempre più della forza lavoro femminile e, di conseguenza, il tema delle madri-lavoratrici e del rientro al lavoro in seguito al congedo per maternità risulta essere ogni giorno più rilevante. Durante il periodo immediatamente successivo alla gravidanza spesso le mamme si trovano a dover affrontare stanchezza, preoccupazione e ansia. Per questo, e per il fatto che i disturbi d’ansia sono in assoluto le patologie mentali più diffuse, la presente ricerca si occupa di analizzare nove articoli che indagano la relazione tra il rientro a lavoro a termine del congedo per maternità e l’ansia. Attraverso la descrizione e l’analisi degli studi considerati sembra che, in generale, quante più ore la donna trascorra al lavoro una volta rientrata, tanto più elevati saranno i suoi livelli di ansia. La ricerca condotta in merito alla ripresa del lavoro è ancora scarsa, ma le nove ricerche considerate trattano in modo più o meno specifico l’ansia e la salute mentale e consentono così di far luce sul ruolo fondamentale che l’ambito lavorativo svolge nel garantire il benessere alle madri e ai loro figli.
Rientro al lavoro dopo la maternità e ansia: una rassegna della letteratura
The labour market is becoming more and more enriched by the female workforce and, consequently, the issue of morking mothers and returning to work following maternity leave appears to be more relevant every day. During the period immediatly following pregnancy, mothers often face fatigue, concern and anxiety. For this reason, and for the fact that anxiety disorders are by far the most widespread mental pathologies, this reserach deals with analyzing nine articles that investigate the relationship between return to work after maternity leave and anxiety. Through the description and analysis of the studies, it seems that, in general, the more hours a woman spends at work once she returns, the higher her anxiety levels will be. The research conducted on returning to work is still scarce, but the nine studies considered deal more or less specifically with anxiety and mental health and thus allow to shed light on the fundamental role that the workplace plays in guaranteeing welfare to mothers and their children.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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