Introduction: Parkinson's Disease is one of the most common neurodegenerative diseases and is characterized by neuronal loss in the level of the substantia nigra pars compacta. In the last decades the media association between the sport of boxing and the neurological problems that result after competitive practice has become increasingly frequent. A growing part of literature supports the benefits of exercise on the motor and nonmotor symptoms of Parkinson's disease. Rock Steady Boxing is a new rehabilitation method which uses boxing training without direct physical contact. Purpose of the thesis: The purpose of this thesis aims to verify the benefits of the boxing training in the treatment of the Parkinson’s Disease through a literature review. Materials and methods: The search was carried out in 3 different databases and the studies were selected in a time range from 2009 to 2022 (including the lockdown period due to the Covid19 pandemic). The search string consisted of the 3 keywords Parkinson’s disease, rehabilitation and boxing, with the related Boolean operators. After an initial search that brought out 3692 articles, 11 articles were selected, which meet the specific inclusion and exclusion criteria chosen. Results: Only 1 of the 11 examined studies did not report significant benefits. especially related with the maintenance of longterm effects after the washout. Improvements using various scales in different physical outcomes were measured: balance, walking speed and length, sense of fatigue, decreased risk of falls and pain perception. Even the results related with nonmotor symptoms are statistically significant: patients report improvements in QoL, in the sense of fatigue, in the sense of depression and anxious state, in night sleep and an increase in social connections, determination and selfconfidence. Discussion: All the studies report benefits on both motor and nonmotor symptoms. The only study that does not report clear improvements is the one where the boxing training is compared with sensory exercises. The latter, compared to boxing, guarantee the benefits of the therapy even after the washout. Conclusion: Being a multimodal sport, boxing seems to be able to improve the motor symptoms of the disease. On the other hand, even nonmotor symptoms will have clear improvements, especially thanks to the group training. The latter seem to be able to act on the psychological sphere of the practitioners. Further studies are needed to understand whether individual training can achieve the same results as RSB.
Introduzione: Il Parkinson è una delle malattie neurodegenerative più frequenti ed è caratterizzato dalla degenerazione neuronale a livello della substantia nigra pars compacta. Negli ultimi decenni è sempre più frequente l’associazione mediatica tra lo sport del pugilato e le problematiche neurologiche che ne conseguono dopo la pratica agonistica. Un numero crescente di letteratura supporta i benefici dell'esercizio fisico sulle caratteristiche motorie e non motorie della malattia di Parkinson. Tra le nuove tecniche riabilitative è presente il Rock Steady Boxing, una metodica basata sull’allenamento di pugilato senza il contatto fisico diretto. Scopo della tesi: L’obiettivo di questa tesi è cercare di verificare l’utilità dell’allenamento di boxe nel trattamento della malattia di Parkinson, attraverso un’analisi della letteratura scientifica. Materiali e metodi: La ricerca è stata compiuta in 3 banche date differenti e sono stati selezionati gli studi in un range temporale dal 2009 al 2022 (compreso il periodo di lockdown dovuto alla pandemia da Covid19). La stringa di ricerca era composta dalle 3 parole chiave Parkinson’s disease, rehabilitation e boxing, con i relativi operatori booleani. Dopo una prima ricerca che ha fatto emergere 3692 articoli, si è arrivati alla selezione di 11 articoli, che rispondono agli specifici criteri di inclusione ed esclusione scelti. Risultati: Degli 11 articoli presi in esame, solo 1 studio non riporta benefici particolarmente significativi, soprattutto rispetto al mantenimento degli effetti a lungo termine dopo il washout. Tramite varie scale sono stati misurati miglioramenti in diversi outcome fisici: equilibrio, velocità e lunghezza del cammino, senso di fatica, diminuzione del rischio di cadute e percezione del dolore. Anche i risultati nonmotori sono statisticamente significativi: i pazienti riferiscono miglioramenti della QoL, del senso di fatica, dello stato depressivo e ansioso e del sonno notturno e un aumento delle connessioni sociali, della determinazione e fiducia in sé stessi. Discussione: Tutti gli articoli riportano benefici sia dei sintomi motori sia di quelli non motori. L’unico studio che non riporta netti miglioramenti è quello in cui la boxe viene messa a confronto con gli esercizi sensoriali, i quali, rispetto al pugilato, riescono a garantire i benefici della terapia anche dopo il washout. Conclusioni: La boxe, essendo uno sport multimodale, sembra poter migliorare i sintomi motori della malattia. Dall’altra parte, anche le manifestazioni nonmotorie ottengono netti miglioramenti, soprattutto grazie agli allenamenti di gruppo, andando ad agire sulla sfera psicosociale dei praticanti. Sarebbero necessari ulteriori studi per comprendere se l’allenamento individuale riesca ad ottenere gli stessi risultati del RSB.
Boxe senza contatto nel trattamento riabilitativo della persona con malattia di Parkinson; analisi della letteratura scientifica
Introduction: Parkinson's Disease is one of the most common neurodegenerative diseases and is characterized by neuronal loss in the level of the substantia nigra pars compacta. In the last decades the media association between the sport of boxing and the neurological problems that result after competitive practice has become increasingly frequent. A growing part of literature supports the benefits of exercise on the motor and nonmotor symptoms of Parkinson's disease. Rock Steady Boxing is a new rehabilitation method which uses boxing training without direct physical contact. Purpose of the thesis: The purpose of this thesis aims to verify the benefits of the boxing training in the treatment of the Parkinson’s Disease through a literature review. Materials and methods: The search was carried out in 3 different databases and the studies were selected in a time range from 2009 to 2022 (including the lockdown period due to the Covid19 pandemic). The search string consisted of the 3 keywords Parkinson’s disease, rehabilitation and boxing, with the related Boolean operators. After an initial search that brought out 3692 articles, 11 articles were selected, which meet the specific inclusion and exclusion criteria chosen. Results: Only 1 of the 11 examined studies did not report significant benefits. especially related with the maintenance of longterm effects after the washout. Improvements using various scales in different physical outcomes were measured: balance, walking speed and length, sense of fatigue, decreased risk of falls and pain perception. Even the results related with nonmotor symptoms are statistically significant: patients report improvements in QoL, in the sense of fatigue, in the sense of depression and anxious state, in night sleep and an increase in social connections, determination and selfconfidence. Discussion: All the studies report benefits on both motor and nonmotor symptoms. The only study that does not report clear improvements is the one where the boxing training is compared with sensory exercises. The latter, compared to boxing, guarantee the benefits of the therapy even after the washout. Conclusion: Being a multimodal sport, boxing seems to be able to improve the motor symptoms of the disease. On the other hand, even nonmotor symptoms will have clear improvements, especially thanks to the group training. The latter seem to be able to act on the psychological sphere of the practitioners. Further studies are needed to understand whether individual training can achieve the same results as RSB.The text of this website © Università degli studi di Padova. Full Text are published under a non-exclusive license. Metadata are under a CC0 License