INTRODUCTION: Shoulder instability is a condition that involves the glenohumeral joint, where the humeral head is displaced outside the glenoid space. It can occur due to external forces leading to this displacement or a deficiency in the stabilizing component of the joint. aquatic therapy is a therapeutic tool that has already proven its effectiveness for various pathologies. However, its potential use for shoulder instability is absent in the literature. AIM: The study aims to identify and determine the best practices used by physiotherapists in the application of aquatic therapy for shoulder instability. METHODS: A questionnaire created with Google Forms was shared in September 2023 and October 2023 using the following methods: via email to the coordinators of physiotherapy departments in hospitals belonging to ULSS2 Marca Trevigiana; through the newsletter of the "AQUATEA" association to its members; through a post on the "Fisioterapia e Riabilitazione" Facebook group. RESULTS: Data were analyzed using Excel. The survey revealed the widespread use of aquatic therapy among participants. The shared preference among respondents was the use of aquatic therapy 4-6 weeks after the injury event for pain reduction and improvement in motor control. The exercises utilized encompass all planes of movement and are tailored to the pain and fatigue reported by the patient. CONCLUSIONS: Aquatic therapy emerges as an effective approach in the rehabilitation of patients with shoulder instability. Aquatic exercise can be introduced early in the rehabilitation process, customizing the duration and frequency of sessions, as well as choosing between individual or group sessions based on the specific needs of each patient. The primary goal is not rigidly defined; instead, it aims at the overall well-being of the individual and the recovery of the affected segment. Exercise selection is based on the patient's sensations regarding pain and fatigue
INTRODUZIONE: l’instabilità di spalla è una patologia che coinvolge l’articolazione gleno-omerale, nella quale la testa omerale viene traslata al di fuori dello spazio glenoideo. Può avvenire a causa di forze esterne che portano a questa traslazione o a un deficit della componente stabilizzatrice dell’articolazione. L’idrokinesiterapia è uno strumento terapeutico che ha già dimostrato la sua efficacia per diverse patologie. Tuttavia è assente in letteratura il suo possibile utilizzo per quanto riguarda l’instabilità di spalla. OBIETTIVI: l’obiettivo dello studio è individuare e identificare quali siano le buone pratiche utilizzate dai fisioterapisti nell’utilizzo dell’idrokinesiterapia nell’instabilità di spalla. METODI: È stato condiviso un questionario creato con Moduli Google nei mesi di Settembre 2023 e Ottobre 2023 con i seguenti metodi : tramite e-mail ai coordinatori dei reparti di fisioterapia degli ospedali appartenenti all’azienda ULSS2 Marca Trevigiana; tramite la newsletter dell’associazione “AQUATEA” ai suoi soci; tramite un post sul gruppo “Fisioterapia e Riabilitazione” di Facebook. RISULTATI: I dati sono stati analizzati tramite il programma Excel. L’indagine ha rilevato il comune utilizzo di questa pratica tra i partecipanti. Preferenza condivisa tra gli intervistati è stata l’utilizzo dell’idrokinesiterapia a 4-6 settimane dall’evento lesionale per la riduzione del dolore e il miglioramento del controllo motorio. Gli esercizi utilizzati comprendono tutti i piani di movimento e sono tarati sul dolore e la fatica riferiti dal paziente. CONCLUSIONI:L'idrokinesiterapia si configura come un approccio efficace nella riabilitazione di pazienti con instabilità di spalla. L'esercizio in acqua può essere introdotto precocemente nel percorso riabilitativo, personalizzando la durata e la frequenza delle sedute, nonché la scelta tra sedute individuali o di gruppo in base alle necessità specifiche di ciascun paziente. L'obiettivo principale non è fissato in modo rigido; piuttosto, si mira al benessere generale della persona e del segmento interessato. La selezione degli esercizi si basa sulle sensazioni del paziente riguardo al dolore e alla fatica
Buone pratiche nella riabilitazione in acqua dell'instabilità di spalla: indagine conoscitiva tra i fisioterapisti.
INTRODUCTION: Shoulder instability is a condition that involves the glenohumeral joint, where the humeral head is displaced outside the glenoid space. It can occur due to external forces leading to this displacement or a deficiency in the stabilizing component of the joint. aquatic therapy is a therapeutic tool that has already proven its effectiveness for various pathologies. However, its potential use for shoulder instability is absent in the literature. AIM: The study aims to identify and determine the best practices used by physiotherapists in the application of aquatic therapy for shoulder instability. METHODS: A questionnaire created with Google Forms was shared in September 2023 and October 2023 using the following methods: via email to the coordinators of physiotherapy departments in hospitals belonging to ULSS2 Marca Trevigiana; through the newsletter of the "AQUATEA" association to its members; through a post on the "Fisioterapia e Riabilitazione" Facebook group. RESULTS: Data were analyzed using Excel. The survey revealed the widespread use of aquatic therapy among participants. The shared preference among respondents was the use of aquatic therapy 4-6 weeks after the injury event for pain reduction and improvement in motor control. The exercises utilized encompass all planes of movement and are tailored to the pain and fatigue reported by the patient. CONCLUSIONS: Aquatic therapy emerges as an effective approach in the rehabilitation of patients with shoulder instability. Aquatic exercise can be introduced early in the rehabilitation process, customizing the duration and frequency of sessions, as well as choosing between individual or group sessions based on the specific needs of each patient. The primary goal is not rigidly defined; instead, it aims at the overall well-being of the individual and the recovery of the affected segment. Exercise selection is based on the patient's sensations regarding pain and fatigueFile | Dimensione | Formato | |
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