Writing numbers in words implies both the use of the writing abilities and the capacity to recall from memory a series of elements, numbers indeed. At first, it is necessary to be able to write a precise sequence of graphemes, that will form the word. Therefore, it is important to know the sequence, in the ascending and descending order, of the numbers and so to have developed numerical cognition, that current literature believes to be innate. This research wants to examine how writing numbers can be influenced by motor abilities, especially the hand movement and his interaction with the eye, and visuospatial, in other words the abilities that allow us to organize and elaborate information based on the surrounding space. The data collection phase has seen involved children, that attend the third, fourth and fifth year of Primary School. To them have been distributed different trials, both in a collective session and an individual one. In the collective session, there are the Writing Numbers Trial, from BVSCO-3 (Cornoldi et al., 2022) and the DM3 Trial (Route) from Movement ABC-2 (Henderson et al., 2013). In the individual session it has been used the Purdue Pegboard (Gartner & Broman, 1978) for two motor trials; three visuospatial abilities trials computerized has been distributed, created ad hoc for the research, that are Matching visual-perceptive (adapted from Frostig, 1974; Hammill et al., 2003), Animal Rotation (adapted from Cardillo et al., 2014, 2020; Kaltner & Jansen, 2014) and Geometrical Puzzles (adapted from Mammarella et al., 2012; Wechsler, 2013). It is possible to observe from the data analysis, at first, how velocity in the writing numbers is influenced by age, indeed by increasing the class frequented, the number of graphemes written in the trial raise significantly. Another important variable is given from the fine-motor abilities and manual dexterity, aspect that we can notice importantly analysing the data from the Route Trial and from the Assembly Trial by Purdue Pegboard, that show how fine-motor abilities influence in a positive way the writing numbers. Lastly, emerge a significant role of the visuo-perceptive abilities, through the Matching visuo-perceptive Trial. This data result to be important because they have implications also in the didactic: in particular it is fundamental, from the beginning of the Primary School, to work on the fine-motor articulation aspects, by different ways, so that they can affect also in other learning areas; furthermore it is significant to consider the different approaches to a determinate task, to give children the instruments that make them able to choose, depending on the task given, the most appropriate approach at the task.
La scrittura di numeri in parola implica sia l’utilizzo delle abilità di scrittura sia la capacità di richiamare dalla memoria una serie di elementi, i numeri appunto. In primo luogo, è necessario essere in grado di mettere per iscritto una sequenza di grafemi ben definita, che va a formare la parola. Inoltre, è importante conoscere la sequenza, in ordine crescente e decrescente, dei numeri e quindi aver sviluppato la cognizione numerica, che la letteratura attuale ritiene avere una base innata. La presente ricerca vuole indagare come la scrittura di numeri possa essere influenzata dalle abilità motorie, in particolare legate al movimento della mano e alla sua interazione con l’occhio, e visuo-spaziali, ovvero quelle abilità che ci permettono di organizzare ed elaborare informazioni basate sullo spazio circostante. La fase di raccolta dei dati ha visto coinvolti bambini e bambine, frequentanti il terzo, quarto e quinto anno della Scuola Primaria. A quest’ultimi sono state somministrate diverse prove, sia in sessione collettiva che individuale. Tra le prime, la Prova di Scrittura di Numeri, tratta dalla BVSCO-3 (Cornoldi et al., 2022) e la Prova DM3 (Percorso) della Movement ABC-2 (Henderson et al., 2013). Viceversa, in sessione individuale, è stata utilizzata la Purdue Pegboard (Gartner & Broman, 1978) per due prove motorie; sono inoltre state somministrate tre prove computerizzate sulle abilità visuo-spaziali, create ad hoc per la ricerca, ovvero Matching visuo-percettivo (adatt. da Frostig, 1974; Hammill et al., 2003), Animal Rotation (adatt. da Cardillo et al., 2014, 2020; Kaltner & Jansen, 2014) e Puzzle geometrici (adatt. da Mammarella et al., 2012; Wechsler, 2013). Dall’analisi dei dati è stato possibile osservare, in primo luogo, come la velocità nella scrittura di numeri sia influenzata dall’età, in quanto all’aumentare della classe frequentata aumentano in modo significativo anche il numero di grafemi scritti nella prova. Un’altra variabile importante è data dalle abilità grafo-motorie e di destrezza manuale, aspetto che possiamo notare in maniera significativa analizzando i dati relativi alla prova Percorso e alla prova di Assemblaggio della Purdue Pegboard, che mostrano come le abilità fino-motorie influenzino in modo positivo la scrittura di numeri. Infine, emerge un ruolo significativo delle abilità visuo-percettive, mediante la prova di Matching visuo-percettivo. Questi dati risultano importanti perché hanno implicazioni anche sul campo della didattica: in particolare risulta fondamentale, fin dall’inizio della Scuola Primaria, lavorare sugli aspetti di articolazione fino-motoria, attraverso diverse modalità, in modo che possano influire anche in altri ambiti dell’apprendimento; inoltre è rilevante considerare i diversi approcci ad un determinato compito, per dare ai bambini gli strumenti che li rendano in grado di scegliere, a seconda del compito dato, l’approccio più adatto al compito stesso.
Scrittura di numeri e abilità visuo-spaziali e motorie: analisi delle loro associazioni e discussione delle implicazioni didattiche alla Scuola Primaria
Writing numbers in words implies both the use of the writing abilities and the capacity to recall from memory a series of elements, numbers indeed. At first, it is necessary to be able to write a precise sequence of graphemes, that will form the word. Therefore, it is important to know the sequence, in the ascending and descending order, of the numbers and so to have developed numerical cognition, that current literature believes to be innate. This research wants to examine how writing numbers can be influenced by motor abilities, especially the hand movement and his interaction with the eye, and visuospatial, in other words the abilities that allow us to organize and elaborate information based on the surrounding space. The data collection phase has seen involved children, that attend the third, fourth and fifth year of Primary School. To them have been distributed different trials, both in a collective session and an individual one. In the collective session, there are the Writing Numbers Trial, from BVSCO-3 (Cornoldi et al., 2022) and the DM3 Trial (Route) from Movement ABC-2 (Henderson et al., 2013). In the individual session it has been used the Purdue Pegboard (Gartner & Broman, 1978) for two motor trials; three visuospatial abilities trials computerized has been distributed, created ad hoc for the research, that are Matching visual-perceptive (adapted from Frostig, 1974; Hammill et al., 2003), Animal Rotation (adapted from Cardillo et al., 2014, 2020; Kaltner & Jansen, 2014) and Geometrical Puzzles (adapted from Mammarella et al., 2012; Wechsler, 2013). It is possible to observe from the data analysis, at first, how velocity in the writing numbers is influenced by age, indeed by increasing the class frequented, the number of graphemes written in the trial raise significantly. Another important variable is given from the fine-motor abilities and manual dexterity, aspect that we can notice importantly analysing the data from the Route Trial and from the Assembly Trial by Purdue Pegboard, that show how fine-motor abilities influence in a positive way the writing numbers. Lastly, emerge a significant role of the visuo-perceptive abilities, through the Matching visuo-perceptive Trial. This data result to be important because they have implications also in the didactic: in particular it is fundamental, from the beginning of the Primary School, to work on the fine-motor articulation aspects, by different ways, so that they can affect also in other learning areas; furthermore it is significant to consider the different approaches to a determinate task, to give children the instruments that make them able to choose, depending on the task given, the most appropriate approach at the task.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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