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Mostrati risultati da 1 a 20 di 78
Tipologia Anno Titolo Titolo inglese Autore File
Lauree magistrali 2021 Acquisizione e analisi di impronte di calzature rilevate nel cantiere del teatro romano di Aquileia Survey and analysis of human footprints in the construction site of the Roman theatre of Aquileia CUZZOLIN, MATTEO
Lauree magistrali 2020 Analisi antropologica delle sepolture a incinerazione della necropoli di La Cona (Teramo, X BCE- II/III CE) Analysis of the cremate human remains from the necropolis of La Cona (Teramo, X BCE-II/III CE) TREVISAN, MARTINA
Lauree magistrali 2022 Analisi archeometriche di malte storiche: il caso studio della chiesa e del cimitero di San Giovanni Evangelista in Castel Seprio. Archaeometric analysis of historical mortars: the case study of the church and cemetery of San Giovanni Evangelista in Castel Seprio RAZZANTE, VALERIA
Lauree magistrali 2021 Analisi del popolamento e dell'organizzazione del territorio nell'area compresa tra Colli Euganei, pianura patavina meridionale e Polesine dal Bronzo Finale alla piena Età del Ferro Settlement and territorial analysis of the area between the Euganean Hills, southern Padua plain and Polesine from the Final Bronze Age to the Middle Iron Age FLAIBANI, ALESSIO
Lauree magistrali 2022 Aquileia in età repubblicana. Analisi dei dati archeologici sulle prime fasi della colonia latina Aquileia in the Republican age. Analysis of the archeological data about the early stages of the Latin colony SCARONI, VITTORIA
Lauree magistrali 2023 Archaeometric study of mortars from the Roman Villa of Mutteron dei Frati, Bibione, Italy Archaeometric study of mortars from the Roman Villa of Mutteron dei Frati, Bibione, Italy SOKOLOVA, EKATERINA
Lauree magistrali 2022 Archaeometrical study of mortars from public Roman structures in Verona Archaeometrical study of mortars from public Roman structures in Verona STIPANOVIC RESTREPO, PAULA
Lauree magistrali 2022 Bluing in The Victorian Era: A Chemical Investigation of Mid-Victorian Blued Firearms Bluing in The Victorian Era: A Chemical Investigation of Mid-Victorian Blued Firearms SOKOLIC, KIANA LEA
Lauree magistrali 2023 Bronze and Lacquers in Japan: Arrival and development in the Archipelago seen through the scientific and archaeological analysis on a nucleus of pieces from the Museum of Oriental Art Edoardo Chiossone in Genova Bronze and Lacquers in Japan: Arrival and development in the Archipelago seen through the scientific and archaeological analysis on a nucleus of pieces from the Museum of Oriental Art Edoardo Chiossone in Genova PANARELLA, ROSSELLA
Lauree magistrali 2022 Cave, insediamenti e infrastrutture in Valpolicella in età romana: un GIS per ricostruire lo sfruttamento e la gestione delle risorse lapidee del territorio Quarries, settlements and infrastructures in Valpolicella during Roman times: a GIS to reconstruct the exploitation and management of the stone resources of the territory POLETTO, LORIS
Lauree magistrali 2022 Ceramica protogeometrica e geometrica dal santuario di Apollo Pizio a Gortina Protogeometric and geometric pottery from the sanctuary of Apollo Phytios in Gortyn GARATTINI, ERA
Lauree magistrali 2023 Characterization of mural paintings from Motza and Caesarea Maritima, Israel: Insights into techniques and materials Characterization of mural paintings from Motza and Caesarea Maritima, Israel: Insights into techniques and materials MANIKI, NELLI-SPYRIDOULA
Lauree magistrali 2021 Collezionare gessi: per una storia delle gipsoteche in Italia tra Ottocento e Novecento Collecting plasters: a history of plasters casts in Italy in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries BIANCHERA, MARTINA
Lauree magistrali 2023 Constructing Patavium: Exploitation of Local Geological Resources in the Ancient Mortars of Montegrotto Terme, Italy Constructing Patavium: Exploitation of Local Geological Resources in the Ancient Mortars of Montegrotto Terme, Italy PILGRIM, EMMA KATELYN
Lauree magistrali 2022 Continuità e discontinuità negli usi monetali nella necropoli di via Campagnola a Padova Continuity and discontinuity in the currency uses in the necropolis of Via Campagnola in Padua LUCINI, FABRIZIO
Lauree magistrali 2020 Contributo archeologico allo studio del ponte della Badia a Vulci Archaeological contribution to the study of the Badia's bridge in Vulci PETRELLA, VITTORIO
Lauree magistrali 2021 Cremona in età repubblicana. Analisi dei dati archeologici sulle prime fasi della colonia latina Republican Cremona. Analysis of archaeological data on the early phases of the Latin colony GRECO, ALESSIO
Lauree magistrali 2022 Disclosing the provenance and production technology of Meroitic ceramics from Sedeinga (Northern Sudan) Disclosing the provenance and production technology of Meroitic ceramics from Sedeinga (Northern Sudan) MC CARTHY, CIARA NICOLA
Lauree magistrali 2021 Distribuzione per età alla morte degli incinerati della necropoli di La Cona (Teramo, I a.C. - I d.C.): approccio microscopico per la valutazione della densità osteologica Age at death distribution of cremated human remains from La Cona necropolis (Teramo, I a.C. - I d.C.): microscopic approach for the assessment of osteological density GALBUSERA, ALESSIA
Lauree magistrali 2023 Documentazioni a confronto: le origini di Cuma euboica e di Megara Iblea nelle testimonianze letterarie e archeologiche A comparison between documentations: the origins of Euboean Cyme and Megara Hyblaea in literary and archaeological evidences NIMIS, MARIA
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