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Mostrati risultati da 360 a 379 di 700
Tipologia Anno Titolo Titolo inglese Autore File
Lauree magistrali 2022 Manifattura Additiva Innovativa di Scaffold Vetro-ceramici in Biosilicato per l'ingegneria del tessuto osseo Innovative Additive Manufacturing of Biosilicate Glass-ceramic Scaffolds for Bone Tissue Engineering LUNARDI, ANDREA
Lauree magistrali 2022 Mathematical modeling of glucose dynamics during a meal in individuals with type 2 diabetes from continuous glucose monitoring data. Mathematical modeling of glucose dynamics during a meal in individuals with type 2 diabetes from continuous glucose monitoring data. SOLIGO, LISA
Lauree magistrali 2022 Matrici elettrofilate di chitosano funzionalizzato con gruppi carbossilici per l'ingegneria tissutale Electrospun matrices of chitosan functionalized with carboxyl groups for tissue engineering BOLOGNINI, GIULIA
Lauree magistrali 2021 Matrici elettrofilate di PVA e peptidi autoaggreganti per l'ingegneria del tessuto nervoso Electrospun PVA matrices and self-assembling peptides for neural tissue engineering ZENI, ELENA
Lauree magistrali 2023 Matrici modello di tessuti tumorali: Effetto strutturante della nanocellulosa da tunicati Model matrices of tumor tissues: Structuring effect of nanocellulose from tunicates DRAGONE, SANDRO
Lauree magistrali 2022 Mechanical characterization of human superficial fascia: an experimental comparison between the abdominal and the thoracic district Mechanical characterization of human superficial fascia: an experimental comparison between the abdominal and the thoracic district BATTAGLIA, MARTINA
Lauree magistrali 2022 Mechanical characterization of the human fascial system: a comparison between superficial and deep abdominal fascia Mechanical characterization of the human fascial system: a comparison between superficial and deep abdominal fascia GHIRARDI, MARIA
Lauree magistrali 2023 Mechanical characterization of triply periodic minimal surface (TPMS) structures in tricalcium phosphate and hydroxyapatite for bone tissue engineering Mechanical characterization of triply periodic minimal surface (TPMS) structures in tricalcium phosphate and hydroxyapatite for bone tissue engineering VERLATO, GIULIA
Lauree magistrali 2022 Mechanical strain as possible physical crosslinker of natural-derived hydrogels obtained from decellularized extracellular matrix Mechanical strain as possible physical crosslinker of natural-derived hydrogels obtained from decellularized extracellular matrix LODOLA, GIULIA
Lauree magistrali 2022 Mechanical validation of Digital Anatomy Printed cartilages for personalized healthcare Mechanical validation of Digital Anatomy Printed cartilages for personalized healthcare DOLINO, GIANMARCO
Lauree magistrali 2022 Mechanical vs Kinematic alignment in Total Knee Arthroplasty: an in-silico biomechanical analysis Mechanical vs Kinematic alignment in Total Knee Arthroplasty: an in-silico biomechanical analysis CARPANESE, FILIPPO
Lauree magistrali 2022 Membrane funzionalizzate con chitosano ingegnerizzato per la rigenerazione ossea Membranes functionalized with engineered chitosan for bone regeneration BALDUCCI, CRISTIAN
Lauree magistrali 2021 Membrane ibride per un cuore artificiale totale innovativo: caratterizzazione e formulazione di un modello costitutivo Hybrid membranes for an innovative total artificial heart: characterization and formulation of a constitutive model GEMELLI, ROBERTO
Lauree magistrali 2022 Messa a punto di un sistema di stimolazione acustica in vitro al fine di promuovere la crescita dei neuriti Setting up of an in vitro acoustic stimulation system as a tool to promote neurite outgrowth POLI, MARTINA
Lauree magistrali 2021 Methods for estimating metabolic brain connectivity at the region and voxel level using dynamic [18F]FDG Positron Emission Tomography Methods for estimating metabolic brain connectivity at the region and voxel level using dynamic [18F]FDG Positron Emission Tomography VALLINI, GIULIA
Lauree magistrali 2022 Metodi di Machine Learning applicati a popolazioni virtuali di soggetti affetti da diabete di tipo 2 Machine Learning methods applied to virtual populations of subjects affected by type 2 diabetes CALIFANO, BENITO
Lauree magistrali 2020 Metodi di machine learning applicati ai dati del microbiota per l'identificazione robusta di biomarcatori delle malattie infiammatorie croniche intestinali. Machine learning methods applied to microbiota data to identify a reliable signature of Inflammatory Bowel Diseases. MOLINARI, EMMA
Lauree magistrali 2022 Metodi per la caratterizzazione e la predizione delle ipoglicemie postprandiali in individui sottoposti a bypass gastrico da dati di monitoraggio in continua del glucosio Methods for the characterization and prediction of postprandial hypoglycemia in individuals undergoing gastric bypass from continuous glucose monitoring data GIACOMINI, CRISTINA
Lauree magistrali 2021 Metodi per l’estrazione dell’input function da immagini cerebrali [18F]FDG PET: confronto tra siti vascolari diversi Methods for IMAGE-DERIVED INPUT FUNCTION IN BRAIN [18F]FDG PET DATA: COMPARISON OF DIFFERENT arterial SITES CALDANA, MICHELE
Mostrati risultati da 360 a 379 di 700
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