This thesis aims to: i) evaluate the effect of the litter size of multiparous rabbit does raised in groups of 3 on the productive performance of rabbit does; ii) test the hypothesis that groups of 3 does raised in Combi-Park systems can provide sufficient numbers of weaned rabbits such that the numerical productivity of the pens can be maintained within EFSA limits (16 rabbits/m2 , 40 kg/ m2 slaughter weight); ii) ensure full utilization of the high prolificacy of hybrid rabbit females ( 10-11 live births/litter) by avoiding the suppression of excess rabbits (1-2 per brood); iv) identify an appropriate feeding plan to maintain the lactation capacity and body condition of the females according to the litter size. A total of 72 Grimaud multiparous rabbits does were used for the trial, housed in groups in 18 Combi-Park pens for part-time system colony rearing, with 4 individual modules per pen. The animals were selected at a commercial breeding farm and transferred to the experimental farm of the University of Padua. From the union of 3 adjacent modules, the collective pens used in this trial were obtained by removing the intermediate dividers. Three rabbit does were housed in each collective pen (park). The females were divided into 6 experimental groups, obtained from the factorial combination of 2 experimental lactation diets (A, starch-rich diet vs. G, fat-rich diet) and the 3 litter sizes (N09, litter consisting of 9 kits vs. N10 litter consisting of 10 kits vs. N11 litter consisting of 11 kits). Test rabbits were raised individually from day 3 before parturition until day 18 postpartum. From day 18, the dividers were removed to facilitate group rearing of the 3 brood females (part-time group-housing system). During the pregnancy period, all rabbit females were fed the same pre-weaning feed. At the time of parturition, the following data were recorded: number of total animals born, number of born alive, litter weight and weight of rabbit females. Subsequently, litter balancing was done at 9, 10 and 11 kits per nest. The nests remained open to allow for free lactation. The weight of the litter females and their respective litters, feed consumption, animal health and relative BCS were also monitored during the trial period, including the incidence of injury. The results of the present experimental trial showed that group housing before parturition had no effect on the reproductive performance of the reproducing rabbit does. The litter size had an important influence on the feed consumption and growth of the litter. In conclusion, due to the aggressiveness of rabbit does, group housing is still not recommended. Equalizing the litters at 10 rabbits per female could be a viable program to increase and improve the profitability and productivity of the female, thus reducing the waste of healthy animals at birth.
La presente tesi mira a: valutare l’effetto della numerosità della nidiata di fattrici pluripare allevate in gruppi di 3 sulla capacità di allattamento della fattrice e svezzamento della nidiata; verificare l’ipotesi che i gruppi di 3 fattrici allevate nei sistemi Combi-Park possono fornire un numero sufficiente di coniglietti svezzati tali da mantenere la produttività numerica dei recinti nel rispetto dei limiti EFSA (16 conigli/m2 , 40 kg/ m2 peso al macello); garantire il completo sfruttamento dell’elevata prolificità delle fattrici ibride ( 10-11 nati vivi/parto) evitando la soppressione dei conigli in eccesso (1-2 per fattrice); individuare un piano alimentare adeguato al mantenimento delle capacità di allattamento e di mantenimento della condizione corporea delle fattrici in funzione della numerosità della nidiata. Per la prova sono state utilizzate 72 coniglie pluripare Grimaud, accasate in 18 recinti Combi-Park per l’allevamento in colonia con sistema part-time, con 4 moduli individuali per recinto. Gli animali sono stati selezionati presso un allevamento commerciale e trasferite presso lo stabulario dell’Università di Padova. Dall’unione di 3 moduli adiacenti sono stati ottenuti i recinti collettivi utilizzati in questa prova, rimuovendo i divisori intermedi. In ciascun recinto collettivo (park) erano stabulate 3 fattrici. Le coniglie sono state suddivise in 6 gruppi sperimentali, ottenuti dalla combinazione fattoriale di 2 diete di lattazione sperimentali (A, dieta ricca di amido vs. G, dieta ricca in grasso) e delle 3 numerosità della nidiata al pareggiamento (N09, nidiata composta da 9 coniglietti vs. N10 nidiata composta da 10 coniglietti vs. N11 nidiata composta da 11 coniglietti). Le coniglie in prova sono state allevate individualmente dal 3° giorno prima del parto fino al 18° giorno post-parto. Dal 18° giorno i divisori sono stati tolti per favorire l’allevamento in gruppo delle 3 fattrici (part-time group-housing system). Nel periodo di gravidanza, tutte le fattrici sono state alimentate con lo stesso mangime da pre-svezzamento Al momento del parto sono stati rilevati: numero degli animali nati totali, numero dati vivi, peso della nidiata e peso delle fattrici. Successivamente è stato fatto il pareggiamento delle nidiate a 9, 10 e 11 coniglietti per nido. I nidi sono rimasti aperti per consentire una lattazione libera. Nel periodo di prova sono stati monitorati inoltre il peso delle fattrici e delle rispettive nidiate, i consumi alimentali, la salute degli animali e relativo BCS, includendo anche l’incidenza delle lesioni. I risultati della presente prova sperimentale hanno mostrato che la stabulazione in gruppo prima del parto non ha avuto effetti sulle prestazioni riproduttive delle fattrici La numerosità della nidiata ha influenzato in modo importante il consumo di alimento e l’accrescimento dei coniglietti. In conclusione, a causa dell’aggressività delle coniglie fattrici, la stabulazione in gruppo è ancora sconsigliata. Il pareggiamento delle nidiate a 10 coniglietti per fattrice potrebbe essere un valido programma per aumentare e migliorare la redditività e produttività dell’allevamento, riducendo così lo scarto degli animali sani alla nascita.
Effetto della numerosità della nidiata e della dieta su prestazioni produttive e benessere di coniglie fattrici allevate in gruppo
This thesis aims to: i) evaluate the effect of the litter size of multiparous rabbit does raised in groups of 3 on the productive performance of rabbit does; ii) test the hypothesis that groups of 3 does raised in Combi-Park systems can provide sufficient numbers of weaned rabbits such that the numerical productivity of the pens can be maintained within EFSA limits (16 rabbits/m2 , 40 kg/ m2 slaughter weight); ii) ensure full utilization of the high prolificacy of hybrid rabbit females ( 10-11 live births/litter) by avoiding the suppression of excess rabbits (1-2 per brood); iv) identify an appropriate feeding plan to maintain the lactation capacity and body condition of the females according to the litter size. A total of 72 Grimaud multiparous rabbits does were used for the trial, housed in groups in 18 Combi-Park pens for part-time system colony rearing, with 4 individual modules per pen. The animals were selected at a commercial breeding farm and transferred to the experimental farm of the University of Padua. From the union of 3 adjacent modules, the collective pens used in this trial were obtained by removing the intermediate dividers. Three rabbit does were housed in each collective pen (park). The females were divided into 6 experimental groups, obtained from the factorial combination of 2 experimental lactation diets (A, starch-rich diet vs. G, fat-rich diet) and the 3 litter sizes (N09, litter consisting of 9 kits vs. N10 litter consisting of 10 kits vs. N11 litter consisting of 11 kits). Test rabbits were raised individually from day 3 before parturition until day 18 postpartum. From day 18, the dividers were removed to facilitate group rearing of the 3 brood females (part-time group-housing system). During the pregnancy period, all rabbit females were fed the same pre-weaning feed. At the time of parturition, the following data were recorded: number of total animals born, number of born alive, litter weight and weight of rabbit females. Subsequently, litter balancing was done at 9, 10 and 11 kits per nest. The nests remained open to allow for free lactation. The weight of the litter females and their respective litters, feed consumption, animal health and relative BCS were also monitored during the trial period, including the incidence of injury. The results of the present experimental trial showed that group housing before parturition had no effect on the reproductive performance of the reproducing rabbit does. The litter size had an important influence on the feed consumption and growth of the litter. In conclusion, due to the aggressiveness of rabbit does, group housing is still not recommended. Equalizing the litters at 10 rabbits per female could be a viable program to increase and improve the profitability and productivity of the female, thus reducing the waste of healthy animals at birth.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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