From the discovery of America to today, it is estimated that 10,000 alien species, including plants and insects, have been introduced into Europe, thus causing an important reshuffling of biota. Among the types of insects most introduced we can certainly include beetles (Insecta: Coleoptera) with xylophagous habits, both at larval and adult level. The introduction of these insects in non-native areas is mainly due to commercial exchanges, and especially the transport of woody goods, plants and packaging such as pallets and crates. Many non-native species, once settled in the new area, having no predators or competitors, can cause significant damage to both the natural ecosystem and the cultivated plants. In recent years, wood-boring beetles have proved to be an increasing threat in vineyards around the world and it is expected that this problem may further increase soon, also due to climate change. For this reason, it is of absolute importance to be able to identify, recognize and monitor phytosanitary interest for the vineyards, and create awareness about the real threat that these insects can present if introduced into a new environment. With this work we have therefore tried to summarize and condense in a database, the existing knowledge about the beetle species associated with damage on Vitis vinifera all over the world. The database also reported: the type of damage caused, the monitoring methods and finally the distribution of the species worldwide. Despite the many precautions that are currently being put in place to prevent and prevent the accidental introduction of alien insects, their insertion still seems inevitable. In fact, trade is not the only cause that determines the introduction and the onset of problems with invasive species; it is necessary to consider the monoculturation of the vineyards, which in Italy and throughout the world are occupying ever larger territories, and the climate change that is creating favorable habitats for the settlement of alien species in previously unsuitable geographical areas.
Dalla scoperta dell’America ad oggi, si stima che siano state introdotte in Europa 10.000 specie aliene, tra piante ed insetti, determinando così un importante rimescolamento dei biota. Tra le tipologie di insetti maggiormente introdotti si possono sicuramente annoverare i coleotteri (Insecta: Coleoptera) ad abitudini xilofaghe, sia a livello larvale che di adulto. L’introduzione di questi insetti negli areali non nativi si deve principalmente agli scambi commerciali, ed in particolare al trasporto di beni legnosi, piante ed imballaggi quali pallet e casse. Molte specie non-native, una volta insediate nel nuovo areale, non avendo predatori o competitori, possono arrecare ingenti danni sia all’ecosistema naturale che alle piante coltivate. Negli ultimi anni i coleotteri xilofagi si sono rivelati essere una minaccia sempre maggiore nei vigneti di tutto il mondo e ci si aspetta che questa problematica possa ulteriormente aumentare nel prossimo futuro, anche a causa dei cambiamenti climatici. Per questo motivo è di assoluta importanza riuscire ad individuare, riconoscere e monitorare ad interesse fitosanitario per i vigneti, e creare consapevolezza circa la reale minaccia che questi insetti possono presentare se introdotti in un nuovo ambiente. Con il presente lavoro si è quindi cercato di riassumere e condensare in un database, le conoscenze esistenti circa le specie di coleotteri associate a danni su Vitis vinifera in tutto il mondo. Nel database sono stati riportati inoltre: il tipo di danno arrecato, le metodiche di monitoraggio ed infine la distribuzione della specie a livello mondiale. Nonostante le molteplici precauzioni che attualmente si stanno mettendo in atto per prevenire ed impedire l’introduzione accidentale di insetti alieni il loro inserimento sembra comunque inevitabile. Il commercio non è infatti l’unica causa che determina l’introduzione e l’insorgenza di problemi con le specie invasive; bisogna tenere in considerazione la monoculturazione dei vigneti, che in Italia e in tutto il mondo stanno occupando territori sempre più ampi, ed il cambiamento climatico che sta creando habitat favorevoli all’insediamento di specie aliene in aree geografiche prima non idonee.
Coleotteri che attaccano il legno di Vitis vinifera (Vitaceae) e relative metodologie di monitoraggio
From the discovery of America to today, it is estimated that 10,000 alien species, including plants and insects, have been introduced into Europe, thus causing an important reshuffling of biota. Among the types of insects most introduced we can certainly include beetles (Insecta: Coleoptera) with xylophagous habits, both at larval and adult level. The introduction of these insects in non-native areas is mainly due to commercial exchanges, and especially the transport of woody goods, plants and packaging such as pallets and crates. Many non-native species, once settled in the new area, having no predators or competitors, can cause significant damage to both the natural ecosystem and the cultivated plants. In recent years, wood-boring beetles have proved to be an increasing threat in vineyards around the world and it is expected that this problem may further increase soon, also due to climate change. For this reason, it is of absolute importance to be able to identify, recognize and monitor phytosanitary interest for the vineyards, and create awareness about the real threat that these insects can present if introduced into a new environment. With this work we have therefore tried to summarize and condense in a database, the existing knowledge about the beetle species associated with damage on Vitis vinifera all over the world. The database also reported: the type of damage caused, the monitoring methods and finally the distribution of the species worldwide. Despite the many precautions that are currently being put in place to prevent and prevent the accidental introduction of alien insects, their insertion still seems inevitable. In fact, trade is not the only cause that determines the introduction and the onset of problems with invasive species; it is necessary to consider the monoculturation of the vineyards, which in Italy and throughout the world are occupying ever larger territories, and the climate change that is creating favorable habitats for the settlement of alien species in previously unsuitable geographical areas.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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