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Mostrati risultati da 25 a 44 di 275
Tipologia Anno Titolo Titolo inglese Autore File
Lauree triennali 2021 Bacini di Wada associati alle dinamiche di fuga in sistemi Hamiltoniani. Wada Basins associated with the escape dynamics of Hamiltonian systems. BARBIERATO, MARCO
Lauree triennali 2021 Benchmark approach a tempo discreto: il portafoglio di crescita ottimale (GOP) e applicazioni. Benchmark approach in discrete time: growth optimal portfolio (GOP) and applications. MARANGONI, ALESSANDRO
Lauree triennali 2022 Besicovitch sets and regularity Besicovitch sets and regularity SALMASO, FRANCESCO
Lauree triennali 2021 (Beta, Gamma) - funzioni di Chebyshev e loro applicazione ai fenomeni di Gibbs e Runge (Beta, Gamma) - Chebyshev functions and theirs application to the Gibbs and Runge phenomenons MARIETHOZ, JEAN-ZACHARIE
Lauree triennali 2021 Bipartite and directed random graphs with arbitrary degree distributions Bipartite and directed random graphs with arbitrary degree distributions BONAZZA, ARIANNA
Lauree triennali 2022 Boolean random networks: phase transition and connectivity Boolean random networks: phase transition and connectivity SPISSO, GIOVANNI
Lauree triennali 2022 C^(1,γ)-regularity for (Λ,r_0)-perimeter minimizers C^(1,γ)-regularity for (Λ,r_0)-perimeter minimizers MANIGLIA, IRENE
Lauree triennali 2022 C^1 isometric embeddings C^1 isometric embeddings MORESCALCHI, ALESSANDRO
Lauree triennali 2020 Caratterizzazione delle sfere metriche nello spazio iperbolico complesso Characterization of Metric Spheres in Complex Hyperbolic Space COZZI, GIACOMO
Lauree triennali 2021 Categorie abeliane e teorema di immersione Abelian categories and embedding theorem BARTOCCI, GIULIA
Lauree triennali 2021 Catene di Markov a tempo continuo e applicazioni ai sistemi client/server Continuous time Markov chains and applications to client/server systems PAROLO, ELENA
Lauree triennali 2021 Chaining and covering numbers with applications to Statistical Learning Theory Chaining and covering numbers with applications to Statistical Learning Theory MAGNINO, LORENZO
Lauree triennali 2021 Codici lineari Linear codes GIUSTO, NADIA
Lauree triennali 2020 Codici ottimali per la trasmissione di messaggi con errori: il limite di Gilbert Varshamov Optimality in error correcting codes: the Gilbert-Varshamov bound SCHIAVO, LEONARDO
Lauree triennali 2020 Compressione dei dati: algoritmi ottimali e applicazioni al gioco d'azzardo Data compression: optimal algorithms and applications to gambling SCARPAZZA, GIULIO
Lauree triennali 2021 Condizioni per la determinazione di logaritmi e radici quadrate di matrici. Conditions for the existence of logarithms and square roots of real matrices. CERBARO, ANNA
Lauree triennali 2020 Congettura di Rayleigh: la miglior forma per un tamburo Rayleigh's conjecture: the best shape of drum MASSENZ, DAVIDE
Lauree triennali 2023 Constrained variational problems in one-dimensional Sobolev spaces Constrained variational problems in one-dimensional Sobolev spaces CATANI, LORENZO
Lauree triennali 2020 Construction of a fundamental solution for the Kolmogorov equation. Construction of a fundamental solution for the Kolmogorov equation. ACCADIA, DAVIDE
Mostrati risultati da 25 a 44 di 275
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