Sfoglia per Dipartimento
Gabriel García Márquez e Federico García Lorca: traiettorie dell’universo femminile tra Cien años de soledad e La casa de Bernarda Alba.
Gabriela Cabezón Cámara "Las aventuras de la China Iron": reelaboración del poema Martin Fierro para derribar fronteras identitarias y género.
Gabriele D'Annunzio e il piacere del dandy
Gaio Licinio Macro: storiografia in frammenti di un tribunus plebis?
2020/2021 PEPI, GIULIA
Gallicismi nella morfologia italiana: i morfemi -iere, -aggio
Gamification per la promozione dello slow tourism ed esperienze turistiche autentiche
2022/2023 PISONI, MARZIA
"Geminate nasali bilabiali dell’italiano: stato dell’arte ed applicazione della Fonologia Articolatoria ad uno studio sperimentale sulla sincronizzazione gestuale"
Gender Bias and Sexism in Language: an Analysis of English and Italian Job Vacancies
Gender bias in machine translation: an investigation of the causes, characteristics, and effects of gender-biased MT output
Gender differences in language use: men and women use tag questions for different purposes, don't they?
Gender Issues in Japanese Comics
Gender Storytelling in Advertising
Gender violence in media discourse: a corpus-based comparison of English and Italian newspapers
Gender work: a verb-oriented method on rural Padua (1730-1731)
2021/2022 QUAGLIO, SARA
Gender, class, and freedom in Edith Wharton’s The Age of Innocence and The House of Mirth
2022/2023 SAORIN, HELENA
Gender, Immigration, Relations: A Comprehensive Analysis of Marita by Sandra Cisneros
Gender, Language and Videogames. A corpus-assisted discourse analysis of gender representation in videogames
Gender-biased Commemorative Street names: a comparison between Padua and York.
2021/2022 BARBIERO, EMMA
Gender-inclusivity in the educational environment: differences across generations
Gendergerechte Literatur übersetzen. Herausforderungen und Strategien am Beispiel von Kim de l'Horizons "Blutbuch"
Tipologia | Anno | Titolo | Titolo inglese | Autore | File |
Lauree triennali | 2021 | Gabriel García Márquez e Federico García Lorca: traiettorie dell’universo femminile tra Cien años de soledad e La casa de Bernarda Alba. | Gabriel García Márquez and Federico García Lorca: literary approach to the female universe between Cien años de soledad and La casa de Bernarda Alba. | PADOAN, BEATRICE | |
Lauree triennali | 2022 | Gabriela Cabezón Cámara "Las aventuras de la China Iron": reelaboración del poema Martin Fierro para derribar fronteras identitarias y género. | Gabriela Cabezón Cámara "The adventures of China Iron": the rewriting of the poem Martin Fierro to break down identity and gender borders | JIMENEZ, VICTORIA | |
Lauree triennali | 2023 | Gabriele D'Annunzio e il piacere del dandy | Gabriele D'Annunzio and dandy's pleasure | VELLINI, ALESSIA | |
Lauree triennali | 2020 | Gaio Licinio Macro: storiografia in frammenti di un tribunus plebis? | Gaius Licinius Macer: a fragmented historiography of a tribunus plebis? | PEPI, GIULIA | |
Lauree triennali | 2021 | Gallicismi nella morfologia italiana: i morfemi -iere, -aggio | Gallicisms in the Italian morphology: the morphemes -iere, -aggio | CARRAROLI, SILVIA | |
Lauree magistrali | 2022 | Gamification per la promozione dello slow tourism ed esperienze turistiche autentiche | Gamification for the promotion of slow tourism and authentic experiences | PISONI, MARZIA | |
Lauree magistrali | 2022 | "Geminate nasali bilabiali dell’italiano: stato dell’arte ed applicazione della Fonologia Articolatoria ad uno studio sperimentale sulla sincronizzazione gestuale" | "Bilabial nasal geminates of Italian: state of the art and application of Articulatory Phonology to an experimental study of gestural synchronization" | FONTANELLA, FRANCESCA | |
Lauree magistrali | 2023 | Gender Bias and Sexism in Language: an Analysis of English and Italian Job Vacancies | Gender Bias and Sexism in Language: an Analysis of English and Italian Job Vacancies | SCAGGIANTE, GIORGIA | |
Lauree magistrali | 2022 | Gender bias in machine translation: an investigation of the causes, characteristics, and effects of gender-biased MT output | Gender bias in machine translation: an investigation of the causes, characteristics, and effects of gender-biased MT output | RIZZARDI, SERENA | |
Lauree triennali | 2021 | Gender differences in language use: men and women use tag questions for different purposes, don't they? | Gender differences in language use: men and women use tag questions for different purposes, don't they? | GALZIGNATO, ALESSANDRA | |
Lauree magistrali | 2022 | Gender Issues in Japanese Comics | Gender Issues in Japanese Comics | ELLECOSTA, NICOL | |
Lauree magistrali | 2023 | Gender Storytelling in Advertising | Gender Storytelling in Advertising | CHATZINIKOLAOU, ELENI | |
Lauree triennali | 2020 | Gender violence in media discourse: a corpus-based comparison of English and Italian newspapers | Gender violence in media discourse: a corpus-based comparison of English and Italian newspapers | RAMPAZZO, SOFIA | |
Lauree magistrali | 2021 | Gender work: a verb-oriented method on rural Padua (1730-1731) | Gender work: a verb-oriented method on rural Padua (1730-1731) | QUAGLIO, SARA | |
Lauree triennali | 2022 | Gender, class, and freedom in Edith Wharton’s The Age of Innocence and The House of Mirth | Gender, class, and freedom in Edith Wharton’s The Age of Innocence and The House of Mirth | SAORIN, HELENA | |
Lauree triennali | 2023 | Gender, Immigration, Relations: A Comprehensive Analysis of Marita by Sandra Cisneros | Gender, Immigration, Relations: A Comprehensive Analysis of Marita by Sandra Cisneros | CIRASOLE, FRANCESCA | |
Lauree triennali | 2021 | Gender, Language and Videogames. A corpus-assisted discourse analysis of gender representation in videogames | Gender, Language and Videogames. A corpus-assisted discourse analysis of gender representation in videogames | STEFANI, BARBARA | |
Lauree magistrali | 2021 | Gender-biased Commemorative Street names: a comparison between Padua and York. | Gender-biased Commemorative Street names: a comparison between Padua and York. | BARBIERO, EMMA | |
Lauree triennali | 2022 | Gender-inclusivity in the educational environment: differences across generations | Gender-inclusivity in the educational environment: differences across generations | CARRETTI, ELISA | |
Lauree magistrali | 2023 | Gendergerechte Literatur übersetzen. Herausforderungen und Strategien am Beispiel von Kim de l'Horizons "Blutbuch" | Translating gender-neutral literature. Challenges and strategies on the example of Kim de l'Horizon's "Blutbuch" | RICCARDI, LAURA |
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