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Mostrati risultati da 41 a 60 di 96
Tipologia Anno Titolo Titolo inglese Autore File
Lauree triennali 2013 Hand gesture recognition e controllo del robot Lego Mindstorms NXT applicato alla robotica educativa - Pozzato, Gabriele
Lauree magistrali 2012 Human action recognition from RGB-D frames - Ballin, Gioia
Lauree magistrali 2019 Hybrid Shared-Autonomy Architecture for Robot Teleoperation with Wearable Interface - Sassi, Roberto
Lauree triennali 2023 iDempiere: Analisi sulla sicurezza informatica legata al software e implementazione di un portale clienti iDempiere: Software-related cybersecurity analysis and implementation of a customer portal ZANOTTO, MARCO
Lauree magistrali 2023 Image Data Augmentation through Generative Adversarial Networks for Waste Sorting Image Data Augmentation through Generative Adversarial Networks for Waste Sorting MARANGONI, FABIO
Lauree triennali 2013 IMU calibration without mechanical equipment. (Calibrazione di IMU svincolata da apparati meccanici) - Tedaldi, David
Lauree vecchio ordinamento (ante riforma) 2010 Interfacciamento telecamera per tracking - Rossignoli, Fabio
Lauree triennali 2020 La virtualizzazione nella gestione dei server Virtualization in server management CAZZOLA, STEFANO
Lauree magistrali 2015 Localizzazione e identificazione di persone da robot mobile in ambienti sconosciuti - Tartaggia, Gianluca
Lauree magistrali 2021 Low obstacles avoidance for lower limb exoskeletons Low obstacles avoidance for lower limb exoskeletons TROMBIN, EDOARDO
Lauree triennali 2022 L’efficacia degli smart walkers nella mobilità di anziani e disabili: una review sistematica della letteratura The effectiveness of smart walkers in the mobility of elderly and disabled people: a systematic literature review CASTELLAN, NICCOLÒ
Lauree magistrali 2022 Marker-less Pose Estimation for hand tracking: detection and classification of tremors Marker-less Pose Estimation for hand tracking: detection and classification of tremors POLATO, ANNA
Lauree magistrali 2011 Multi-camera calibration in distributed vision system - Cervellin, Andrea
Lauree magistrali 2014 Multi-frame techniques for long-term people re-identification with consumer depth cameras - Carraro, Marco
Lauree magistrali 2023 Multi-Sensor Robotic Navigation Using Distillation Policy Multi-Sensor Robotic Navigation Using Distillation Policy AMANI, AMIR MAHDI
Lauree magistrali 2015 People reidentification techniques for multiple viewpoints camera networks - Lora, Matteo
Lauree magistrali 2016 Potential field navigation for telepresence robots driven by BCI - Brea, Fabio
Lauree magistrali 2020 Progettazione del software di controllo per un'imbarcazione a propulsione elettrica con hydrofoil Design of the automation software for an electrically powered boat with hydrofoil TIOZZO BRASIOLA, ENRICO
Lauree magistrali 2013 Programming By Demonstration per robot manipolatore a n gradi di libertà - Chessa, Nicola
Lauree magistrali 2023 Real-Time Control of Large Assistive Torques in Exoskeletons via Neuromechanical Modeling Real-Time Control of Large Assistive Torques in Exoskeletons via Neuromechanical Modeling STERZI, LORENZO
Mostrati risultati da 41 a 60 di 96
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