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Mostrati risultati da 19 a 38 di 45
Tipologia Anno Titolo Titolo inglese Autore File
Lauree magistrali 2020 L'impatto del carico cognitivo sulla Sound Induced Flash Illusion The impact of cognitive load on Sound Induced Flash Illusion ROTUNDO, GIORGIA
Lauree triennali 2022 La labilità emotiva post-ictus Post-stroke emotional lability SENTITO, SARA
Lauree triennali 2022 La modulazione dell’integrazione multisensoriale indotta dal carico cognitivo. Modulation of multisensory integration induced by cognitive load. SANSONE, ANDREA
Lauree magistrali 2021 La riserva cognitiva e il funzionamento cognitivo globale come possibili predittori delle abilità di multitasking: uno studio online Cognitive reserve and global cognitive functioning as possible predictors of multitasking abilities: an online study FLORIS, MARIKA
Lauree magistrali 2022 La valutazione cognitiva online ed il multitasking in una prospettiva life-span Online cognitive assessment and multitasking in a life-span perspective SARZI AMADE', LARA
Lauree magistrali 2021 La valutazione cognitiva online tramite multitasking: rischi ed opportunità Online cognitive assessment: risks and opportunities FLORI, VIRGINIA
Lauree triennali 2021 La valutazione delle funzioni esecutive nell'ADHD The assessment of executive functions in ADHD CHIODI, CLARA
Lauree triennali 2022 Lateralizzazione emisferica nella percezione delle emozioni ed effetto di cerebrolesioni acquisite Hemispheric lateralization in the perception of emotions and the effect of acquired brain injuries CERUTI, VINCENZO
Lauree triennali 2020 L’anosognosia: una rassegna delle sue diverse manifestazioni, correlati anatomici e modelli patogenetici Anosognosia: a review of its manifestations, anatomical correlates and pathogenetic models. ROVERSI, CARLO
Lauree triennali 2023 Memory and Multitasking: A study on the role of age Memory and Multitasking: A study on the role of age GUIDOTTI, CELESTE
Lauree triennali 2022 Mind Wandering e Apprendimento: Meccanismi Cognitivi e Basi Neurali Mind Wandering and Learning: Cognitive Mechanisms and Neural Bases CARMINATI, ALICE
Lauree magistrali 2020 Modulazione dell’elaborazione spaziale indotta dal carico attentivo. Uno studio a distanza. Modulation of spatial processing induced by attentional load. A remote study. OUERGHI, FATIMA
Lauree triennali 2023 Multitasking and Aging: Electrophysiological and Behavioral Insights Multitasking and Aging: Electrophysiological and Behavioral Insights ULKU, BEGUM
Lauree magistrali 2022 Multitasking e invecchiamento: correlati comportamentali ed elettrofisiologici di un doppio compito mnestico Multitasking and aging: behavioral and electrophysiological correlates of a dual memory task SERRA, EMANUELE
Lauree magistrali 2021 Offending and non-offending people with pedophilia: executive dysfunctions and structural brain anomalies - a narrative review Offending and non-offending people with pedophilia: executive dysfunctions and structural brain anomalies - a narrative review PERZIANI, STELLA
Lauree triennali 2021 The influence of cognitive load on visuospatial processing and multisensory integration in older adults The influence of cognitive load on visuospatial processing and multisensory integration in older adults MANNI, SOFIA
Lauree triennali 2023 The neural correlates of emotion deficits in human morality and ASPD The neural correlates of emotion deficits in human morality and ASPD AMUNI, ROSE ASYA
Lauree magistrali 2020 The relationship between Subjective Cognitive Decline and objective neuropsychological testing. The relationship between Subjective Cognitive Decline and objective neuropsychological testing. ROVIZZI, ELISA
Lauree magistrali 2021 The social role of the posterior cerebellum: an fMRI and tDCS study involving participants with autism spectrum disorder The social role of the posterior cerebellum: an fMRI and tDCS study involving participants with autism spectrum disorder MAGNANI, ALMA
Lauree magistrali 2021 Un training computerizzato per migliorare l'attenzione. Dati preliminari in casi cronici di trauma cranico. A computer-based training to improve attention. Preliminary data in chronic TBI cases. LUGO, STEFANO
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