This thesis explores the use of electromagnetic (EM) methods for subsurface surveying to detect buried metallic objects, comparing the effectiveness of different EM instruments under the same field conditions. We focused on the CMD Mini-Explorer, CMD-Explorer, and GEM-2 instruments to analyze the data collected. The data were processed using EMagPy, an open-source software designed specifically for EM data analysis.
This study compared multi-coil systems (CMD Mini-Explorer and CMD-Explorer) ...
The characterization of seismic wavefields demands a comprehensive understanding of both translational and rotational motions. In this study, rotational motions were indirectly derived from seismic arrays through the array-derived rotational (ADR) method and combined with the translational components from the central station of each array, resulting in six-component (6C) seismic data. Using these 6C stations, cross-correlation functions were computed to retrieve Empirical Green’s Functions (E...
Rock glaciers are important landforms of mountain permafrost, often found in high mountain areas. This degradation can trigger events like rock falls, landslides, debris flows, and floods, especially in densely populated Alpine regions heavily visited by tourists.
Understanding and characterising rock glaciers is crucial for managing natural hazards and addressing on time their socio-economic impact.
We propose to use the multichannel analysis of surface waves to further constrain the interna...
Plants possess a remarkable regenerative capacity, which is extensively utilized in modern
agriculture for the vegetative propagation of elite genotypes through stem cuttings. A crucial factor
for successful propagation is the formation of adventitious roots (AR). Recent studies have
identified three transcription factors from the ETHYLENE RESPONSE FACTOR (ERF) family,
ERF113, ERF114, and ERF115, that act downstream of jasmonic acid (JA) and redundantly
modulate cytokinin (CK) signaling ...
The rapid increase in water pollution has occurred worldwide as a result of human wastes discharged into the seas and low-level water sanitation practices. These increased the chance of the spread of antimicrobial resistant (AMR) genes along with AMR bacteria also within marine habitats. Water pollution accelerates the spread of AMR because polluted water creates an environment for antibiotics, heavy metals, chemicals and pathogenic bacteria. In particular, sources such as industrial discharg...
Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder marked by the accumulation of amyloid beta (Aβ) plaques, associated immune system dysregulation, and progressive loss of memory and cognitive function. Modeling AD pathology in human-relevant systems is critical for understanding disease mechanisms and developing therapeutic strategies.
While traditional models provide valuable insights, they fail to recapitulate the human-specific cellular and molecular interactions observe...
Insect populations in agriculture exhibit high spatial, temporal, and species-specific diversity, posing significant challenges for effective pest management. Traditional pest monitoring relies on manual checks of sticky traps, which are labor-intensive and provide limited spatial and temporal coverage. Automated systems using image sensors and machine learning algorithms to detect and identify pest species offer significant advantages, enabling real-time, remote monitoring and improving data...
Il comportamento a compressione dei pali conici, in particolare quelli con sezione trasversale circolare, è stato ampiamente studiato negli ultimi decenni. Tuttavia, il comportamento in trazione di tali pali è stato raramente approfondito nella letteratura tecnica. Questo studio si propone di confrontare la capacità portante ultima sotto carico di trazione tra pali a sezione troncoconica e pali a sezione cilindrica. Le prove di carico a rottura, condotte in situ su terreni argillosi e sabbios...
La tesi ha come oggetto lo studio del comportamento sismico della muratura armata realizzata con blocchi in AAC e l'applicabilità di questa soluzione tecnologica per la realizzazione di costruzioni in zona sismica. L'obiettivo principale è quello di discutere i risultati ottenuti da test sperimentali, condotti dall'azienda multinazionale Xella, su campioni in scala reale; analizzandone la resistenza, la capacità di spostamento e il meccanismo di danneggiamento per caratterizzare la risposta d...
La tesi propone un approccio integrato per l'analisi della sicurezza stradale a livello di rete, con applicazioni al contesto italiano. Utilizzando dati sugli incidenti e caratteristiche della rete, sono stati analizzati casi di studio per identificare le aree critiche e supportare interventi mirati. I risultati dimostrano l'efficacia del metodo nell'individuare i tratti più a rischio e nel fornire indicazioni strategiche per migliorare la sicurezza stradale.