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Mostrati risultati da 630 a 649 di 709
Tipologia Anno Titolo Titolo inglese Autore File
Lauree magistrali 2023 The Yazidi Experience: their struggles as a minority in a Muslim-dominated region, the 2014 ISIS-led genocide against them, and their consequent migration to Europe The Yazidi Experience: their struggles as a minority in a Muslim-dominated region, the 2014 ISIS-led genocide against them, and their consequent migration to Europe BOARETTO, MARTINA
Lauree magistrali 2020 Tommaso di Marga e il Libro dei Superiori. Storiografia, agiografia e ricerca storica nel monachesimo orientale del IX secolo Thomas of Marga and the Book of Superiors. Historiography, hagiography and historical research in Eastern monasticism of the 9th century GOMIERO, GIOVANNI
Lauree magistrali 2022 "Too Good to Miss". Il Veneto nei video di promozione turistica nel periodo post-pandemico. "Too Good to Miss". Veneto in tourism promotion videos in the post-pandemic period MICHELONI, GIULIA
Lauree triennali 2023 Tra affari e affetti: il commercio, la fama e le relazioni della Famiglia Nasi nel Cinquecento Between Business and Family Ties: the Trade, Fame and Relationships of the Nasi Family in the 16th Century TUZZATO, ELEONORA
Lauree magistrali 2022 Tra centro e periferie. Venezia, Firenze e Milano tra i secoli XIV e XV: ipotesi comparative. Focus and outskirts. Venice, Florence and Milan between the fourteenth and the fifteenth centuries: comparative hypothesis. OTTOMANO, GIOVANNI
Lauree triennali 2023 Tra emancipazione e sfruttamento delle donne in Tunisia nel XX secolo Between Emancipation and Exploitation of Women in Tunisia in the 20th Century COMEL, VERONICA
Lauree magistrali 2022 Tra eroi e tiranni: devianza alimentare e mostruosità del potere. Note storico-religiose. Between heroes and tyrants: food deviance and the monstrosity of power. Historical-religious notes. FEDEL, MARTINA
Lauree magistrali 2022 Tra Italia e Brasile: la migrazione veneta dagli inizi della colonizzazione alla riscoperta del nazionalismo Between Italy and Brazil: Venetian migration from the beginning of colonization to the rediscovery of nationalism FABIANI, GIAMMARIA
Lauree triennali 2022 Tra Mantova e Verona (e Trento): Castellaro/Castel d'Ario nei secoli XI-XIV Between Mantua and Verona (and Trent): Castellaro/Castel d'Ario between the 11th and 14th centuries BAGNOLI, MATTEO
Lauree triennali 2021 “Tra nation-building e memorie divise: musei storici in Europa e le specificità del caso italiano” “Between nation-building and divided memories: historical museums in Europe and the specificities of the Italian case” CARTA, JORDI
Lauree magistrali 2022 Tra Ovest ed Est: continuità e rotture nella politica commerciale romena dalle origini all'adesione al GATT. Across West and East: continuities and ruptures in Romanian trade policy from its origins to GATT accession. CELI, ANTONINO
Lauree magistrali 2020 Tra schiavitù e servitù nell’Italia centro-settentrionale durante l’Alto Medioevo Between slavery and servitude in central-northern Italy during the Early Middle Ages FAMENGO, LAURA
Lauree magistrali 2023 Tradurre l'intraducibile. Lo Yonitantra e il problema della sua trasmissione. Translating the untranslatable. The Yonitantra and the problem of its trasmission. ZADRA-GOSSNITZER, MICHAELA
Lauree magistrali 2021 Transfer of the sugar processing technology between the German area and France (1802-1836). Transfer of the sugar processing technology between the German area and France (1802-1836). DUDZIK, MICHAEL
Lauree magistrali 2022 Transition to Circularity: A case study of the practices in the company “El Ordeño” Transition to Circularity: A case study of the practices in the company “El Ordeño” LOPEZ CHAVEZ, LIZETH JACKELINE
Lauree magistrali 2023 Transnational Municipal Networks for Climate Change Resilience in Sub-Saharan African Cities Transnational Municipal Networks for Climate Change Resilience in Sub-Saharan African Cities MTASA, ITAI
Lauree magistrali 2023 "Transnational practices: Functions and Impact of Egyptian Diaspora Organizations in Italy” "Transnational practices: Functions and Impact of Egyptian Diaspora Organizations in Italy” MAWED, ABDALLAH ANTR ABDALLAH
Lauree magistrali 2022 Transumanza in Transilvania: cultura e tradizione in un clima e società in evoluzione Transhumance in Transylvania: culture and tradition in a changing climate and society BURBULEA, MIHAELA ROXANA
Lauree triennali 2022 Trasformazioni del mondo rurale veneto. Dalla cattedra ambulante di agricoltura all'Istituto tecnico agrario di Lonigo Transformations of the Veneto rural world. From the itinerant Chair of agriculture to the Agricultural Technical Institute in Lonigo SAONCELLA, GIOVANNA
Lauree triennali 2021 Tunisi 1535. Spedizione contro i barbareschi nel Mediterraneo di Carlo V Tunis 1535. Expedition against Barbary pirates in the Mediterranean in the age of Charles V FRATICELLI, JACOPO
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